Click Fraud Protection Multilevel Marketing Companies Investigation - Tycko & Zavareei LLP
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HomeMultilevel Marketing Companies Investigation

Multilevel Marketing Companies Investigation

About the Investigation

Did you sign up to be a Beautycounter consultant or a Beachbody Coach, hoping to make money, only to invest time and money for little to no compensation? You are not alone.

These multilevel marketing companies encourage people to sell their products for them, promising financial rewards and other benefits. Many people invest a lot of money buying the products and paying for other costs associated with the work, as well as spend time and energy creating social media posts and promoting the products, but receive little in the way of commission.  Our investigation has found that Beachbody and Beautycounter may be exploiting sellers in violation of California law.

What You Can Do

If you signed up to be a Beautycounter Consultant or Beachbody Coach, you may have legal rights. If you are interested in learning more about our investigation, please complete the confidential form below, and a member of our team will contact you.

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