The series includes 14 videos, covering the following topics:
- What Is Covered By The False Claims Act?
- What Is A Qui Tam Case, And What Awards Can A Whistleblower Receive?
- Who Can Bring A Qui Tam Case?
- What Are The Key Steps In A Qui Tam Case Under The False Claims Act?
- Are Whistleblowers Protected Under The False Claims Act?
- First Steps: What To Do If You Are Considering Blowing The Whistle Under The False Claims Act
- Does The Government Really Pay Awards To Whistleblowers?
- How To Find And Hire An Attorney For A Whistleblower Case
- Blowing The Whistle On Health Care Fraud.
- Blowing The Whistle On Fraud By Government Contractors.
- Blowing The Whistle On Securities Fraud.
- Blowing The Whistle On Fraud In The Banking Industry.
- Blowing The Whistle On Tax Fraud.
- Blowing The Whistle On Fraud On State Or Local Governments.
“Our practice in the area of whistleblower rights focuses primarily on representing whistleblowers, sometimes also called relators, in qui tam cases brought under the False Claims Act,” says firm partner Jonathan Tycko. “A qui tam case can be brought by a person who has information that a business has committed fraud on a government program, or under a government contract. The case is brought by the whistleblower, but in the name of the government. It is one of the key fraud fighting tools in our legal system.”
“Our whistleblower practice also extends to other areas,” explains firm partner Andrea Gold. “This includes whistleblowers with information about tax fraud, violations of the securities laws, or fraud in the banking industry.”
In all of these areas, the laws provide for very substantial rewards to whistleblowers. For example, under the False Claims Act, a qui tam whistleblower can receive a reward of between 15-30% of the amount of money recovered for the government. The government has paid more than $1 billion to whistleblowers under these programs in just the past two years.
“We hope that our video series will help whistleblowers understand their rights, and provide a useful path to help them fight fraud and corruption,” says Mr. Tycko. “We are proud to represent whistleblowers, who often put their own careers in jeopardy to do the right thing and to stand up for honesty and the American tax payer.”
Jonathan Tycko went to The Johns Hopkins University, and then to Columbia Law School, where he received his law degree in 1992. Following a judicial clerkship with a federal judge, and a number of years working at one of the nation’s top law firms, Mr. Tycko became one of the founding partners of Tycko & Zavareei LLP in 2002. He has represented whistleblowers in numerous qui tam cases under the False Claims Act, including cases involving health care fraud, government contractor fraud, and customs fraud. In addition, he has represented clients with whistleblower claims before the SEC and IRS whistleblower offices, and under the banking fraud whistleblower program administered by the Department of Justice.
Andrea Gold is a graduate of the University of Michigan, where she received first her bachelors, and then her law degree in 2004. After law school, Ms. Gold received a prestigious Skadden Fellowship, which allowed her to represent indigent battered women in family law and employment matters. Following her Fellowship, Ms. Gold joined Tycko & Zavareei LLP in 2006, and she was named a Partner in 2012. She has been active in all aspects of the firm’s whistleblower practice.