Click Fraud Protection $2.5 Million Cash and $20 Million in Credit in StubHub False Advertising Class Action Settlement - Tycko & Zavareei LLP
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HomeSuccesses$2.5 Million Cash and $20 Million in Credit in StubHub False Advertising Class Action Settlement

$2.5 Million Cash and $20 Million in Credit in StubHub False Advertising Class Action Settlement

Outcome: $2.5 million in cash and provide $20 million in credit

Susan Wang, et al. v. StubHub, Inc., Case No.: CGC-18-564120 in the San Francisco Superior Court

StubHub has agreed to pay $2.5 million in cash and provide $20 million in credit to resolve claims it deceived consumers by falsely advertising low ticket prices. The true costs of tickets on StubHub were much higher due to hidden fees. Only when the consumer went to complete their purchase did they see the total amount, which was much higher than the advertised price, and the cost of fees were hidden in a separate link.

The complaint asserted that StubHub violated California consumer protection laws by not adequately disclosing the nature of these fees and perpetrated a “bait and switch” scheme against ticket purchasers.

Those who filed claims were eligible to receive cash payments or credit towards future purchases.

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